Listar Barcelona Nightlife

Client Details:

Company : Listar - Barcelona
Startup : Yes

Project Brief:

It is a mobile app that helps its users to find the best night life venues in Barcelona. It is available as an iOS app as well as an Android app.

Main Features:

Illustrator, Photoshop, Android, iOS, iPhone, Java, Objective C, PHP, Web API , MySQL, PDF, CSV

Project Tech Details:

Platform : Mobile
Operating System : iOS and Android
Language : Objective C and Java
Devices : Phone
Orientation : Portrait
Developed and Published? : Yes
Facebook Login? : Yes
Facebook Wall, Facebook Friends Wall and Facebook Messenger Sharing? : Yes
Twitter, Whatsapp, Email and Google Plus Sharing? : Yes
Android PUSH Notifications? : Yes
Web API development and deployment? : Yes
Web Server Setup? : Yes
Web Database Design and development? : Yes
User Accounts? : Yes
Auto PDF and CSV Reports Generation and Sending? : Yes
Admin Panel? : Yes
Cron Jobs? : Yes